December 29, 2020
Portfolio: Charming Chattaroy Home
201106 32223 N Whitetail Ln

This was a great home to shoot, and a little bit of a challenge, as any large, upscale home usually is. The biggest challenge I faced was probably capturing and editing the main living area, especially the angles that connected the living room to the kitchen and dining room. Residential shoots require me to move quickly from room to room and shot to shot, but in shooting and editing, so I am always looking for the easiest and fastest solutions to get the image to the standard I expect.

While shooting large rooms, lighting the flash shots is what can cause the biggest hang-up. I expose the windows so I can use them to create a clear view out of them in editing later. On a sunny day like this one, exposing the windows will darken the indoor lights enough to where my flashes will light up the room with daylight-temperatured light, so I can get accurate colors in the image. However, I have to make sure I place my flashes in the right spots with the right amount of power, where I can get the whole shot properly lit up, without any area being too dark or too bright, because then I won’t get accurate colors there.

In editing, it takes a bit longer to edit an image like these living rooms than for a standard image, because there’s going to be more color correcting to be done and a little bit more work to get natural yet somewhat even lighting across all areas of the image.

So while a home like this presents so many challenges, it’s always enjoyable to shoot a property that has so much to show, not to mention being able to enjoy beautiful Eastern Washington countryside on a bright and sunny day like this one.

Post Written By: Jackson Erb, Real Estate Photographer

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