We want to share with you this winter photoshoot we did for John Stirling with Stirling real estate. This mobile home may be small, but it looks really good because of the three things listed below.
We want to help you become successful in your business, and if you use these three principles when booking a real estate shoot, you will wow your clients, get more referrals, and grow your business.
You need to do these three things to get good photos, like this mobile home got:
Get rid of all the clutter – physiologically our mind gets repulsed by clutter, we feel more at peace when there is order in our environment.
Clean the place– when the home is clean, the place looks fresh and inviting, which in turn keeps the potential buyer interested in looking at all the photos.
Hire the right photographer – at the moment there is no way to get photos that look this good without a good camera, an extremely powerful flash, photoshop, and a photographer that cares about quality.
We would be honored to help you with getting good photos that you could market yourself and your property with.
We made it easy to order our photography service, you can do it right now online, and we will show up. ORDER NOW.
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About Us
We are a real estate photography company that serves Spokane, WA and the surrounding areas.
Our Mission Is to Bring Joy and Success to People by Promoting Them, Their Work and Creating Beautiful Photos That Tell An Awesome Story.